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A new position in the MPCA: Lobbyist for mining interests

State of Minnesota Job Posting:

Working Title:   Mining Coordinator
Hiring Agency:   Pollution Control Agency


$ 30.13-$ 43.35 hourly, $ 62,911-$ 90,515 annually

Job Description:   The incumbent will be the mining subcabinet point person who will maintain relationships with state/federal agencies on mining regulatory matters, and will help coordinate among state agencies; Economic Development Mining Coordinator and mining companies to ensure mining regulatory issues and processes are addressed in a timely and complete manner.  [Need I say, no mention of “coordinating” with health or environmental interests?  After all, this is the “pollution control” agency!]

See more here:

Relevant contacts:

o       Paul Aasen, Commissioner of the MPCA, 651-757-2016,

o       Governor Dayton, 651-201-3400,

o       your state senator and representative.  Who represents me?  How do I let a Representative or Senator know how I feel about an issue?


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ACTION ALERT: MPCA betrays air quality in the Boundary Waters and Voyageurs National Park

“It’s not the ‘Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,’ its the ‘Minnesota Pollution Protection Agency’.”

–Mark Dayton, while running for Governor of Minnesota

“Minnesota’s actions, combined with EPA’s simultaneous consideration, plainly deprive the

public of a meaningful opportunity to review and comment on this significant decision.”

–Janette Brimmer, Earthjustice

“This is nothing but a shameful rollover to Minnesota’s most politically empowered polluters.”



This is a long and complicated story we try to summarize very briefly. Continue Reading →

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Letter from Alan Muller to Governor Dayton

[This letter pretty much summarizes my views on what’s going in in Minnesota./am]

Alan Muller

113 W. 8th Street

Red Wing, Minnesota, 55066


 January 24, 2010

Mark Dayton, Governor of Minnesota

Office of the Governor
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

via email

Dear Governor Dayton:

I write to express my disappointment with Executive Order 11-04, Establishing Goals and Procedures to Ensure that Certain Environmental Permits are Issued More Efficiently.1 This order is contrary to the best interests of the people and natural resources of Minnesota. Continue Reading →

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Send another round of public comment

[Note:  This was originally published as an email on October 30, 2009]

This is a follow-up note to the October 14 Action Alert (included below for reference) about “streamlining” of the Minnesota environmental review process.

Quite a few comments were sent–read them here–and staff at the MPCA seem a bid defensive at this point.  This–slightly edited for clarity–is part of a note we received:

–       We hear you! We know people are upset at the process and ideas in the meeting slides
–       Ideas accepted until October 30th, after that we will simply attach them to the report
–       MPCA report will be presented to EQB at Board meeting Nov 19th or in February.  Will keep distribution list informed.
–       Encourage people to sign up online for EQB Monitor
–       This is a report to the legislature.  If they have hearings on environmental review matters there are opportunities for input   there   and if the legislature requires EQB to make changes there will be opportunity for input. Continue Reading →

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