What it really means when Minnesota’s courts and regulatory agencies service special interests. Another 3M scandal in which I had some involvement was the expanded burning of hazardous waste at the 3M haz waste incinerator in Cottage Grove. In that business, the MPCA also acted as a servant of 3M rather than a protector of Minnesotans. Of course it is generally easy for elected officials, courts, and regulators to stomp on individuals and small businesses. The real test of integrity is how they behave when confronted with powerful special interests such as 3M, Xcel energy, or US Steel. From what I can see the record is pretty bad, with Attorney General Lori Swanson looking better than some others.
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“Lawsuits Charge that 3M Knew About the Dangers of Its Chemicals”
Red Wing again: Incinerator ash plan and actions behind it are toxic
This letter was in the Red Wing Republican-Eagle this week.
Late in 2015, the idea of mining garbage incinerator ash for metals in Red Wing surfaced, and on Dec. 10 the Eagle published my letter opposing the idea. That letter can be read here. Continue Reading →
Kushner Kronicle Kontinues
The absurd and shameful prosecution of civil liberties attorney Jordan Kushner by the City of Minneapolis continues. Surely this is a major negative on Mayor Betsy Hodges’ record, compounding her unwise retention of City Attorney Susan Segal.
The latest episode involves the filing of pre-trial motions. I’m posting these here: Continue Reading →
Anti-smokestack resolutions “disappeared” by Goodhue County DFL operatives
At the DFL (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party for the edification of my non-Minnesotan readers) precinct caucuses on March 1, in Red Wing, Minnesota, various resolutions were presented, as is customary. These are supposed to make their way up the organizational hierarchy of the party, and help determine the state “platform.” It’s supposed to be democracy in action.
(The good news from my point of view is that the precinct, in a generally conservative area, was overrun with Bernie Sanders supporters, and the state as a whole went for Sanders over Clinton.) Continue Reading →
“Some have got so desperate that they have sold their soul to the devil”*
Representatives of Swift County, Minnesota, went to the Minnesota Legislature this week to lobby for reopening a vacant private prison, the Prairie Correctional Facility, in Appleton, in Swift County, belonging to the much-despised Corrections Corporation of America. Continue Reading →
Un-plastic-bagging Minneapolis and Minnesota
Discouraging single-use (“carryout”) plastic shopping bags is increasingly common around the world, for rather obvious reasons.
Reducing combustible trash helps fight garbage incineration!
According to the new media outlet MinnyApple (http://www.minnyapple.com/2016/03/18/plastic/#comment-1457):
“Minnesotans throw away 87,000 tons of plastic bags every year. Less than 5% of plastic bags are recycled nationally. Plastic bags frequently clog machinery at single-sort recycling facilities. Some plastic bags end up as litter in our environment, breaking down into smaller pieces of plastic, that leech chemicals into soil and water. In Minneapolis, most plastic bags that are thrown away end up in the downtown incinerator.”
Plastic bags are mostly made out of polyethylene which is mostly made out of natural gas (background on PE here: http://www.britannica.com/science/polyethylene )
So it is not surprising that may powerful interests are lobbying against this change–oil and gas people, plastics manufacturers, and especially the mega-evil Grocery Manufacturers Association (also a big opponent of GMO labeling).
One important reason for change is to keep plastic bags and other combustible stuff out of garbage incinerators. Burning plastic is just burning petroleum-once-removed and contributes to air pollution and climate change. And the burners need the “heat value” of the plastic, So one may expect Minnesota’s politically powerful garbage incinerator industry to be against limiting plastic bags. Note that 87,000 tons above!
Minneapolis City Council Member Cam Gordon, Chair of the Health, Environment & Community Engagement Committee of the Council, has scheduled a public hearing for 1:30 on March 21,2016 on a draft ordinance.
“Carry out bags in retail establishments” ordinance (Bring your own bag) http://www.minneapolismn.gov/meetings/legislation/WCMSP-175529
This ordinance was first announced to the City Council on August 7, 2016 (procedural history here: http://www.minneapolismn.gov/meetings/legislation/WCMS1Q-079203 )
Only two of the 13 council members (Gordon, Ward 2 and Warsame, Ward 6) are listed as sponsors of this ordinance, in spite of it’s no-brainer nature. Where are the other 11 council members???? (http://www.minneapolismn.gov/council/)
A cynic could suggest that the Council leadership has assigned the areas it doesn’t really care much about (Health, Environment & Community Engagement ) to its most greenie-weenie member, a sort of ghetto of the most important, to be ignored as much as possible.
Regardless, Cam Gordon deserves support on this good-for-the-public-interest ordinance:
Public hearing at1:30 on March 21,2016 (agenda Item #1, http://www.minneapolismn.gov/meetings/hece/WCMSP-175147 )
“How to have your voice heard:” http://www.minneapolismn.gov/council/engage/WCMS1Q-074472
You can email all Council Members with one group email address:
Individual contact info below:
- Ward 1 – Kevin Reich
- Ward 2 – Cam Gordon
- Ward 3 – Jacob Frey
- Ward 4 – Barbara Johnson
- Ward 5 – Blong Yang
- Ward 6 – Abdi Warsame
- Ward 7 – Lisa Goodman
- Ward 8 – Elizabeth Glidden
- Ward 9 – Alondra Cano
- Ward 10 – Lisa Bender
- Ward 11 – John Quincy
- Ward 12 – Andrew Johnson
- Ward 13 – Linea Palmisano
“Ward office keep tally sheets on policy proposals, controversial topics, and other matters that are then provided to the Council Member. Aides generally lump calls into “pro” and “con” categories, giving their Council Member an instant poll on a particular topic.”
Ward Council Member Phone
1Kevin Reich(612) 673-2201
2Cam Gordon(612) 673-2202
3Jacob Frey(612) 673-2203
4Barbara A. Johnson(612) 673-2204
5Blong Yang(612) 673-2205
6Abdi Warsame(612) 673-2206
7Lisa Goodman(612) 673-2207
8Elizabeth Glidden(612) 673-2208
9Alondra Cano(612) 673-2209
10Lisa Bender(612) 673-2210
11John Quincy(612) 673-2211
12Andrew Johnson(612) 673-2212
13Linea Palmisano(612) 673-2213
For those not connected to Minneapolis, please use Gordon’s ordinance as a model for similar action from YOUR local government and from you state Senator and Representative.
So, speak up!
Alan Muller
Another utility-only, public-gagged Energy Commission meeting March 3rd
In February I posted a piece: “Minnesota: A wholly owned subsidiary of Xcel Energy? #1 in a series.” about how Xcel and other Minnesota electric utilities are getting unjustified rate increases because they control the systems that are supposed to be regulating them. Continue Reading →
Updates on the Jordan Kushner prosecution
I posted about this in January (below) and there is a still-valid action alert here.
I wrote to the President of the University of Minnesota, who responded (below) and Mayor Hodges, who did not.
President Eric Kaler’s response: Continue Reading →
Minnesota: A wholly owned subsidiary of Xcel Energy? #1 in a series.
Utilities do it everywhere….
It’s in the nature of electric utilities to accumulate too much economic and political power. They provide essential services, they have almost unlimited resources compared to potential opponents, and they send hundreds of thousands of mailings to all the households in their service areas. Most are corporations whose management works for stockholders, not customers, but they often get people to forget that. They almost always have undue influence on the commissions that are supposed to regulate them.
But “NSP” is something special
The chokehold that Xcel Energy (Northern States Power Company) has on the state of Minnesota feels unusual even by utility standards. The obedience that Xcel seems able to extract from most of our public and private institutions in Minnesota–including the media–is extraordinary, and ramping up very aggressively from this already excessive level. Continue Reading →
Action Alert: Object to arrest and prosecution of Jordan Kushner
Jordan S. Kushner is one of the most distinguished lawyers in Minnesota. An online search makes immediately clear that he has a long history of standing up for democracy and freedom of speech.
Kushner was arrested by University of Minnesota police at the U of M School of Law on the afternoon of November 3, 2015. The arrests were apparently in retaliation for Kushner’s taking video of officers ejecting protesters from a meeting. Filming cops is legal but often resented. I haven’t seen them yet, but reportedly there are subsequent and false police reports claiming that Kushner was yelling and screaming in the meeting. These claims are refuted by witnesses and video. Reportedly, the arresting officers, lead by University of Minnesota Police Lieutenant Troy Butha, were somewhat violent. While Kushner says he suffered no permanent injuries, he easily could have.
A story on this was posted on CityPages on January 20, 2016: “Jordan Kushner, crusading civil rights lawyer, on trial for filming police.”
Kushner is facing misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct, trespass, and obstruction of legal process (resisting arrest). His next court date is a hearing on pretrial motions, January 22, 2016 at 1:30 pm, Hennepin County Government Center, courtroom 755. The case number is 27-CR-15-31387, the judge assigned: Marta M. Chou. The prosecution is by the City of Minneapolis, which has prosecutorial jurisdiction over misdemeanors. The prosecutor is listed as Matt Wilcox, (612) 673.2005. The Minneapolis City Attorney is Susan Segal. When Mayor Betsy Hodges retained Segal, there were many objections from people citing Segal’s poor record on civil liberties.
Contact Eric W. Kaler, President of the University of Minnesota, asking that the prosecution of Jordan Kushner be stopped with apologies to Mr. Kushner. (612) 626-1616, upres@umn.edu
Contact the Mayor of Minneapolis, Betsy Hodges, asking the same: (612) 673-2100, http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/mayor/contact/index.htm (contact form), Betsy.Hodges@ci.minneapolis.mn.us
Below are the notes I sent:
Eric W. Kaler, President, University of Minnesota
Dear Mr. Kaler:
Regarding: Arrest of Jordan Kushner by University of Minnesota Police
I object to the Nov 3, 2015 arrest of Jordan Kushner at the U of M Law School. The irony of arresting a prominent civil liberties lawyer at the Law School should not escape you. In addition, there are credible allegations that the University of Minnesota police officers behaved violently, and subsequently placed false information in reports. This situation seems to bring additional disgrace and dishonor on the University of Minnesota, which already has enough of both. It appears to me that the charges against Mr. Kushner should be dropped immediately, with apologies, and Mr. Kushner should be compensated for any expenses, injuries, and loss of income that he may have incurred as a result of this event. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours very truly,
Alan Muller
1110 West Avenue
Red Wing, MN, 55066
Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis
Dear Mayor Hodges:
Regarding: Shameful prosecution of Jordan Kushner by Minneapolis City Attorney
I urge you to halt the prosecution of Jordan Kushner. Mr. Kushner is charged with several misdemeanors he apparently did not commit, and is being prosecuted by the City Attorney. The irony of the arrest of a prominent civil liberties lawyer at the University of Minnesota Law School should be apparent even to the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis City Attorney. It seems worth recalling that when you announced your decision to retain Ms. Segal as City Attorney, various people objected, citing what they considered to be her poor record on civil liberties. I hope you will act promptly on this matter.
Yours very truly,
Alan Muller
Red Wing, MN
Port Penn, DE
- City of Red Wing kisses Xcel Energy butt…..works to raise your electric bills April 23, 2018
- This city WANTS a trump concentration camp: June 26, 2018
- Minnesota: A wholly owned subsidiary of Xcel Energy? #1 in a series. February 17, 2016
- Garbage prospers in the Minnesota Legislature March 12, 2015
- [Wash Post] “Utilities wage campaign against rooftop solar” March 9, 2015
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