Congress makes the wrong move on coal ash rules
H.R. 1734 and Senate companion bill S. 1803 are intended to prevent EPA’s (weak) coal ash regulation rule from going into effect. 165 Democrats voted against 1734 and only 19 voted for it. 239 Republicans vote for it and only ONE against. Stats here.
Aye D Walz, Timothy MN 1st
Aye R Kline, John MN 2nd
Aye R Paulsen, Erik MN 3rd
No D McCollum, Betty MN 4th
No D Ellison, Keith MN 5th
Aye R Emmer, Tom MN 6th
Aye D Peterson, Collin MN 7th
No D Nolan, Richard MN 8th
Also, notably:
Aye D Moore, Gwen WI 4th
Coal ash is a serious health hazard and is largely unregulated in Minnesota and most other states. It is even allowed to be used in feedlots for animals to tromp around on.
In an August 3, 2013 letter, EPA provided “structural integrity assessments of the surface impoundments containing coal combustion residuals at
electric utilities located in your state.” Two Minnesota Power (Allete) ponds (Boswell and Laskin plants) were considered to pose “significant” hazards and be in “poor” condition. One additional Minnesota Power pond and one Xcel pond were rated “fair.”
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