Robin Hensel, whose lawsuit eventually produced a pro-freedom-of-speech decision from the Minnesota Supreme Court, calls Little Falls (Morrison County) the “Intolerance Capitol of Central Minnesota.” It seems that Red Wing (Goodhue County) is looking to be the “Intolerance Capitol of Southeastern Minnesota.”
Freedom of speech at City of Red Wing council meetings is under attack, with the Council advancing an ordinance intended to provide cover for police violence against residents, or, at the least to make it easier to prevent people from speaking. This sort of thing has recently been seen in Little Falls and Mankato. The good news is that a recent Minnesota Supreme Court decision is basically supportive of freedom of speech.
Here is a note sent the afternoon before the meeting. I just happened to see this agenda item while checking out another objectionable item:
Dear Members of City Council (and members of the Red Wing Human Rights Commission): Continue Reading →