Two “omnibus” energy bills, SF 901 and HF 956 are wending their way through the Minnesota Legislature. These bills are being heavily promoted by a coalition of industrial and environmental groups calling itself the “Clean Energy & Jobs” campaign. A description of the bills from the point of view of the Clean Energy and Jobs folks is here, on the site of the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society. Lots of people are being urged to contact their legislators in support of these bills. Sounds good, doesn’t it? And it many ways it is, but there are enough problems in these bills as they presently stand to potentially do more harm than good. Continue Reading →
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Minnesota Energy bills not ready for prime time
Just how low can an ENGO go?
It’s no secret that many mainstream ENGOs (“Environmental Non Governmental Organizations,” more simply “Environmental Groups”) have slipped more and more into the pockets of the polluters they are supposed to be opposing. As they’ve made their transitions from member-support to grant-support, they’ve lost control of their own agendas, and, in many cases, have lost their souls. So now, hearing from one, we don’t know whether it’s really Pew talking, or the Energy Foundation, or Monsanto, or Chesapeake Energy, or Covanta, or Waste Management, or whatever….
But personally, I’m not seen anything as nauseating at the “partnership” between “Conservation Minnesota” (closely tied to the League of Conservation Voters) and giant garbage burner operator Covanta. Continue Reading →
The MPCA’s official “Metro Solid Waste Plan:” Burn, baby, burn!
These are comments submitted on the MPCA’s “Metro Solid Waste Plan” in November, 2010. The PCA didn’t pay much attention. Read for yourself.
Great news from Green Bay, WI — garbage burner permit revoked
[People in Green Bay have put up a great fight against this burner scheme. One should not assume the fight is over, as it sounds like there could be a veto, but this is still really good news. Note that the reporter uses misleading terminology such as “trash-recycling energy plant.” /am] Continue Reading →
- City of Red Wing kisses Xcel Energy butt… to raise your electric bills April 23, 2018
- This city WANTS a trump concentration camp: June 26, 2018
- Minnesota: A wholly owned subsidiary of Xcel Energy? #1 in a series. February 17, 2016
- Garbage prospers in the Minnesota Legislature March 12, 2015
- [Wash Post] “Utilities wage campaign against rooftop solar” March 9, 2015
- Responding to fascism: January 11, 2021
- Letter: Support the work of journalists, society’s mirrors June 2, 2020
- Viewpoint: Bring back Minnesota’s environmental conscience May 27, 2020
- Northern Metals Festivities….. July 31, 2019
- Viewpoint: Lessons from Three Mile Island aren’t over April 8, 2019
alan: Hmmm 4 years on, lots of people running for local ...
Tracy Byrd Dickerson: Thanks for keeping Frieda’s memory alive! Yes, ...
film izle: Respect to article author, some wonderful entropy....
- Viewpoint: Lessons from Three Mile Island aren’t over | […] Note: This was published in the Red Wing...
- 40 years on, have we learned the lessons of Three Mile Island? | […] is timely to think about TMI as Xcel Ene...
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