An important issues is playing out this week in the US Senate. Monsanto–yes, that symbol-of-evil corporation-has been fighting hard to block a Vermont law calling for labeling of GMO containing foods. The Vermont law goes into effect on July 1, 2016. For background, see “The Tiny State Of Vermont Is Forcing GMO Labeling Nationwide.” Another good resource. Continue Reading →
“Reader’s view: Devil is in details of Clean Power Plan”
On May 9, 2016 the Duluth News Tribune ran a letter I sent them a few days ago. With enviro/energy wonk orgs in Minnesota heavily penetrated by industrial interests, and the state agencies dancing to the tune of the utilities, there is real potential for the “Clean Power Plan” to do more harm than good. We need to pay attention and think for ourselves.
The chief danger is that the CPP could be used to promote smokestack facilities burning fuels much worse than coal: “Biomass” and garbage. Continue Reading →
“5 Questions about [Garbage Burner] Ash Mining in Red Wing”
City of Red Wing officials are screwing up yet again:
Watch the video, then please sign the petition:
“Demand NO ASH MINING in Red Wing ….”
Pros and cons of gun ranges … letter written to the Red Wing City Council
I wrote this to the City Council because I live here and nobody seemed to be mentioning the issues that I think really matter. None acknowledged it. None brought up any of these issues in a long and tedious meeting. Nobody seems to be minding the store or looking out for the best interests of residents. Worth noting is that one of the people behind the gun range proposal is Jason Sebion, recently resigned from the City Council. The promoters want to buy a large city-owned building for $1000. My concern, per usual, is for health and welfare issues ignored by all the council members. None of this has anything in particular to do with how one feels about guns in general.
“Lawsuits Charge that 3M Knew About the Dangers of Its Chemicals”
What it really means when Minnesota’s courts and regulatory agencies service special interests. Another 3M scandal in which I had some involvement was the expanded burning of hazardous waste at the 3M haz waste incinerator in Cottage Grove. In that business, the MPCA also acted as a servant of 3M rather than a protector of Minnesotans. Of course it is generally easy for elected officials, courts, and regulators to stomp on individuals and small businesses. The real test of integrity is how they behave when confronted with powerful special interests such as 3M, Xcel energy, or US Steel. From what I can see the record is pretty bad, with Attorney General Lori Swanson looking better than some others.
Red Wing again: Incinerator ash plan and actions behind it are toxic
This letter was in the Red Wing Republican-Eagle this week.
Late in 2015, the idea of mining garbage incinerator ash for metals in Red Wing surfaced, and on Dec. 10 the Eagle published my letter opposing the idea. That letter can be read here. Continue Reading →
Kushner Kronicle Kontinues
The absurd and shameful prosecution of civil liberties attorney Jordan Kushner by the City of Minneapolis continues. Surely this is a major negative on Mayor Betsy Hodges’ record, compounding her unwise retention of City Attorney Susan Segal.
The latest episode involves the filing of pre-trial motions. I’m posting these here: Continue Reading →
Anti-smokestack resolutions “disappeared” by Goodhue County DFL operatives
At the DFL (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party for the edification of my non-Minnesotan readers) precinct caucuses on March 1, in Red Wing, Minnesota, various resolutions were presented, as is customary. These are supposed to make their way up the organizational hierarchy of the party, and help determine the state “platform.” It’s supposed to be democracy in action.
(The good news from my point of view is that the precinct, in a generally conservative area, was overrun with Bernie Sanders supporters, and the state as a whole went for Sanders over Clinton.) Continue Reading →
“Some have got so desperate that they have sold their soul to the devil”*
Representative Tim Miller (17A )
Representatives of Swift County, Minnesota, went to the Minnesota Legislature this week to lobby for reopening a vacant private prison, the Prairie Correctional Facility, in Appleton, in Swift County, belonging to the much-despised Corrections Corporation of America. Continue Reading →
- City of Red Wing kisses Xcel Energy butt… to raise your electric bills April 23, 2018
- This city WANTS a trump concentration camp: June 26, 2018
- Minnesota: A wholly owned subsidiary of Xcel Energy? #1 in a series. February 17, 2016
- Garbage prospers in the Minnesota Legislature March 12, 2015
- [Wash Post] “Utilities wage campaign against rooftop solar” March 9, 2015
- Responding to fascism: January 11, 2021
- Letter: Support the work of journalists, society’s mirrors June 2, 2020
- Viewpoint: Bring back Minnesota’s environmental conscience May 27, 2020
- Northern Metals Festivities….. July 31, 2019
- Viewpoint: Lessons from Three Mile Island aren’t over April 8, 2019
alan: Hmmm 4 years on, lots of people running for local ...
Tracy Byrd Dickerson: Thanks for keeping Frieda’s memory alive! Yes, ...
film izle: Respect to article author, some wonderful entropy....
- Viewpoint: Lessons from Three Mile Island aren’t over | […] Note: This was published in the Red Wing...
- 40 years on, have we learned the lessons of Three Mile Island? | […] is timely to think about TMI as Xcel Ene...
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